I'm soon to be getting donuts for my beau and his family, so that I can spend the morning with before he leaves for college. I ask what kind they like, but they say "all kinds". Now I have a dilemma. Does all kinds really mean all kinds or only the ones that would be obvious to them? And unfortunately unobvious to me.

So here's the plan of attack, roughly. Get all kinds of frosted and glazed, get one creame filled, couple chocolate filled, some of the cinnamon ones, a twisty thing, a bear claw, and sausage rolls (that the donut shop actually calls calloches, but they're not). Seems like a lot, but I have to cover my bases.

So I pose the question to you, reader. Have you ever had to buy donuts for someone and didn't know what kind they liked? Did you get a variety or did you get all of one kind? Let me know!

I let you know how my assortment goes over...

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